You need a winning LinkedIn profile if you want to expand your network on LinkedIn and build your personal brand.
Among all social media platforms, LinkedIn is such a network that you can’t overlook, even if you’re busy.
The professional networking platform is best-known for giving incredible results to your organic promotion.
In other words, the more time and effort you invest in the promotion, the more output you will obtain from the platform.
First things first, you need to consider improving your personal profile that suits the nature of your business.
Check out 15+ quick ways to improve your LinkedIn profile.
1. Keep Your Profile Basics Up to Date!
Many people neglect to update their LinkedIn profiles. There’s no excuse for having outdated information on LinkedIn, whether you’re a pure rookie, starting a new career, or exploring new options. It will cast a negative light on you.
Here are two fast and easy places to double-check for accuracy:
Headline for Professionals: Any headline’s goal is to get people to click. You can utilize your headline to showcase your present position and firm at the very least (e.g., “Graphic Design Intern at ABCXYZ Corporation” Copywriting Intern at XYZ Media ),
However, you can and should go further.
Showcase talents you want to appear in searches (e.g., “Speaker, Trainer, Author, Consultant, Evangelist”) or highlight your industry (e.g., “Technical Content Writer”) or awards (e.g., “Content Marketing Strategist and Copywriter”). On LinkedIn, tell everyone who you are, what you do, and why they should connect with you.
Industry and location: Is your current location and industry still correct? If they aren’t already fixed, do it right now!
These two simple steps will aid in the discovery of more people and the identification of more suitable potential contacts.

2. Use Only Professional Photographs
A photo on a LinkedIn profile is 11 times more likely to be viewed. So, if you’re still wearing a silhouette, it’s time to switch things up and present your true self.
Here are some more helpful tips!
You should not use an older profile photo on LinkedIn.
It shouldn’t look like kept on a dating site, stock photo site, or social networking site (e.g., Facebook or Instagram).
Don’t include your pet or significant other in the photo. Just. No.
LinkedIn is a professional networking site. Always Remember it!!

3. Use a Background Photo to Personalise Your Profile
Is your LinkedIn profile dull and uninteresting?
With a visually appealing background image, you may give your profile page a little more personality, or branding.
Upload a cover background that reflects the industry or niche you work in.
LinkedIn recommends that users use a 1400×425 pixel picture (PNG, JPG, or GIF).

4. Create a Spectacular Summary
This is the point at which you really pitch yourself to possible contacts. Your summary should expand on your headline by showcasing your skills, work experience, notable accomplishments, and thought leadership.
There’s been a lot of debate regarding whether it’s better to write in the first-person or third-person narrative in this article. In the end, it doesn’t really matter which you choose; just stick to it. It’s confusing and shows a lack of attention to detail if you switch back and forth between the first and third person.
While writing it in the first person, keep your ego in control, focus on the most important aspects of your profession, eliminate unnecessary jargon, and make sure it’s easy to read.

5. Get Rid of Typos
Misspellings, typos, and poor grammar are all no-nos.
Don’t let these typos ruin your profile at any cost.
Use a Grammar or a writing tool to get rid of them!!!

6. Use Keywords Intentionally
Words are really crucial, especially when searching is a major factor. The difference between getting found and being invisible is using the appropriate keywords in your profile.
Determine the terms you want to be found for when people search LinkedIn and include them in your headline, summary, and profile. You’ll be able to find more possible connections and opportunities if you use the proper keywords.
7. Useful Tip: Select the “Other” Website Option
LinkedIn allows you to link a website or blog under your Contact Info. However, the phrase that appears on your profile by default is the exceedingly boring “Blog” or “Website.” If someone visits your profile and clicks on that, they have no idea where they’ll end up.
Do you want to utilize your company’s or brand’s name? Yes, you can! Here’s a simple trick you can use.
Select the “Other” option when changing your profile’s Websites section. You can now customize the title and URL of your website.
8. Make New Connections With People You Don’t Know
One of the most common LinkedIn blunders is failing to reach out to people you’d like to connect with but haven’t yet. Getting to know new people, not simply established contacts, is the whole idea of networking.
There are numerous advantages to expanding your LinkedIn network. You get in front of decision-makers. You get more recommendations. More people will view, share, and visit your website as a result of your greatest content. It’s also excellent for personal branding.

9. Send Personalized Invitations
“I’d like to add you to my LinkedIn professional network.”
The default message provided by LinkedIn is horribly dull and impersonal.
You can make it more personal by mentioning where you met or a topic you discussed in a LinkedIn group, over email, or during a phone interview when you ask someone to join. This personal touch will raise the likelihood that your request will be accepted.
Here are some more personalized invitations you can send to people
1) While sending a connection to a colleague
Hi (Name), hope you’re well! Saw you currently work at (company) and are (something from about section) cool name btw).
Would love to connect with a fellow (Name)!
2) To a working professional around your niche
Hello (Name), hope you’re well! My name is ( your name), (current occupation/position). Saw you’re a part of (organization); I’m a part of a similar organization) as well!
Would love to connect.
3) To connect with an alumn
Hi (Name), hope you’re well! My name is (Name), (current position/occupation). Saw you also graduated from (school) and work at (company).
Would love to connect with an alumn!
10. Create Amazing Pieces of Content
LinkedIn postings are a great way to expand your influence, increase your visibility, and earn new followers.
When you create content, your existing connections are notified. At the same time, new people can find your posts via hashtags and search.
While posting content, always keep in mind who your target audience is. Posting high-quality content will highlight your knowledge and expertise. Just make sure your content is appropriate for LinkedIn’s 400 million business professionals.

11. Joining and Creating Groups
Joining LinkedIn groups is one method to start connecting with people you want to know. There are millions of groups to pick from, whether it’s a group sponsored by a large publication, a group for people with specific job titles, or a group dedicated to a niche issue, so start looking for groups that are perfect for you and join them.
Participate in debates. Start a lively discussion. Instead of selling your goods or service or promoting yourself, offer your knowledge. This will aid in the development of your personal brand.

12. Use Search and Advanced Search To Find People
Your prospective contacts can be found by using a LinkedIn search. Find people by their name, company, or talents.
However, you can go much further.
You can utilize LinkedIn’s advanced search to locate people by job title, school, relationship, geography, industry, current/past company, profile language, and nonprofit interests, among other criteria.

13. Organize Your Endorsements
People will recommend you for a variety of skills, including those that you don’t possess.
However, just because you’ve been endorsed for Fire Eating, Chewing Gum, or Showers (yep, these are all actual “areas of competence,” according to LinkedIn) doesn’t mean you have to show other LinkedIn users — unless, of course, fire-eating is an important part of your professional life.
LinkedIn allows you to delete any skills or endorsements that are no longer relevant. Even if it’s by omission, you should avoid “lying” about your skillset.

14. Develop Exceptional Business Relationships
Don’t start promoting your service or product as soon as someone accepts your invitation to connect. This is the death knell for any relationship.
Begin slowly. Like, share, or comment on their postings.
LinkedIn even makes it easy to remain in touch by notifying you when contacts have work anniversaries or start new positions. These are, once again, great opportunities to interact with them.
Before you start asking for favours, establish a relationship and trust.
15. Request Connections for Recommendations
So you’re not getting as many LinkedIn recommendations as you’d like? After all, writing a recommendation requires some thinking and effort.
What options do you have? Inquire about them! LinkedIn makes it simple by offering a link that allows you to specify what you want to be recommended for, who you want to suggest you to, and a personal note.
Select a group of people. Don’t just ask everyone you know whether they can suggest you. Be Selective.
In your communication to your relationship, including specifics. Don’t be bashful about telling your connections about specific abilities you want them to highlight in their referral.
Another strategy to improve your chances of getting a good recommendation is to give a good referral to someone you’ve worked with. This raises the likelihood that your contact will feel forced to reciprocate.
Summing Up
You now have all of the information you need to update your LinkedIn profile. Make yourself appear great, potential connections, and expand your network. It all begins with a fantastic profile.
So when are you going to update your LinkedIn profile?
Do you need any practical help on updating it?
Join our 5-Day Social Media Marketing Workshop, where you will learn the Fundamentals of LinkedIn Marketing.