Learn What Actually Make Heads Turn In The Real World

While you may have learned the best of theories from the well-researched pile of books, the lack of practical knowledge will always be a setback in the fast-paced world today. My coaching programmes have been designed to help you upskill and stay a hundred steps ahead!

How Does This Work

The widening gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation is a rising issue for dedicated students and working professionals today. That is where my coaching modules come in. Eight years of industry experience have helped me figure out the best implementation ways for all the know-how! And I cannot wait to share those with you!

Why Should Colleges Invite Me

  • I will leave the students with learnings for a lifetime
  • Beyond books but backed by books is the USP for my coaching modules
  • Graduates from your institute will stand out from the crowd with the best practical knowledge
  • My teaching methodology will ensure that the classroom won’t look like a nap room

Why Should Corporates Invite Me

  • I will ensure the alignment of the personal goals of your employees to meet your organisational goals
  • Working on the analysis of problems and formulation of solutions is what multiple clients have trusted me for
  • My coaching modules focus on the creation of action-driven strategies to achieve your goals
  • The highly developed skillset of your employees resulting from my coaching modules will be a long term asset for your company

Topics I Discuss

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Startups and Entrepreneurship

Brand & Community Building

Growth Hacking

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