Paid Ad Strategies for Small Businesses | Georgy Bickerdyke

Image of Georgy Bickerdyke
Georgy Bickerdyke
Channel Account Manager and Business Growth at Veeam
Along with a great organic marketing strategy, your business needs to have the right paid ad marketing strategy. So what are some paid ad strategies? To share his experience and some best-working strategies, we had Georgy with us in the 25th episode of our podcast. Georgy is the Channel Account Manager and Business Growth at Veeam, one of the most popular backup and recovery software across the web. He has also served at BT, a widespread telecommunication company across the UK as Marketing Associate and PPC, Adwords and Facebook Marketing Executive. In talks with Sahil Shah, he discusses a lot of things that a business needs to consider before, while and after running ads. Particularly, he indicated time, money and efforts as the most important things you need to consider after your ad strategy. Tune in now and listen to Georgy delivering value bombs on the most effective paid marketing strategies.

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