Tips to Run a Successful Marketing Agency in 2021 | Monique Idemudia

Image of Monique Idemudia
Monique Idemudia
Digital Marketing Expert and Consultant for Small Businesses
Need someone to guide you on your way to a successful inbound marketing agency? This podcast with Sahil Shah and Monique Idemudia got you covered! Monique is running her own digital marketing agency, Dragon Digital Marketing in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Monique is an entrepreneur by heart who loves bringing value to small businesses, by educating and providing essential guidance. In the podcast, she speaks about a common mistake a lot of agencies make while being busy working on their client’s projects. She states that agencies miss out on getting new clients because they neglect to promote their own agency. It’s your accountability to take time and promote your business. She also advised that every agency should nurture a great relationship with its clients. Listen to the full episode and learn more about nurturing a successful marketing agency in the new year. Quotes from the episode: “As an agency owner, you constantly need to upgrade yourself and adapt to new changes within the industry.

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