How to Scale Up B2B Business Through Marketing | Malhar Barai

Image of Malhar Barai
Malhar Barai
Head - Marketing (APAC & India) at Tech Mahindra
With more than 18 years of experience in marketing, Malhar Barai knows a-to-z of marketing. He is the author of the book ‘Service Oriented Architecture with Java’. ⁣ He is currently one of the most notable digital marketing personalities across India. Malhar is the head of marketing for APAC & India and the Global Head of Digital Marketing Strategy for Tech Mahindra. His articles and views are published in several international publications and he specialises in Integrated Digital Marketing, Agency Interaction, SEO, SEM, Branding & Lead Generation. At Netsavvies Marketing E-Summit, he has spoken about how to scale up B2B business using the best marketing tactics.

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