LinkedIn as a Tool for Personal Branding | Joe Glover

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Joe Glover
Founder of The Marketing Meetup

It’s not like bragging about ourselves, but you certainly feel great when you’re going to host a guy who is leading a community of 20k+ digital marketers. Yes, Joe is the proud founder of the Marketing Meetup, a digital marketing community, which unites marketers across the world.

Joe has been a part of two popular digital marketing podcasts such as Everyone Hates Marketers and Humans Come First. He has been also a guest lecturer at Durham University, London College of Fashion, Cambridge University and more.

As he is a LinkedIn Personal Branding Expert, he gave us some savvy tips on using the platform to build your personal brand. We talked about the right target audience, personalizing messages, creating a professional LinkedIn profile. Moreover, his words on building authenticity were appreciated by the attendees.

Get more amazing tips from Joe watching this video on YouTube.

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